We are well aware of wine and how its flavor changes over time -- the same principle applies for cigars. If you are a regular cigar smoker then you would already likely be aware of the impact of age on your smokes. If not, here is a quick summary -- age improves the overall bouquet of the smoke. Some cigars even smooth fully in the aging process.
In the manufacturing plant before cigars are shipped they typically get as old as 60-90 days. This is enough time to trace out ammonia from the 'body' of the cigar, but is not necessarily enough time to even minimally maximize its taste at all.
Let's now discuss the home aging of your cigars through various humidors. There are numerous stores from where you can buy a humidor in New York, LA, DC and all surrounding areas. If they do not yet carry InstaAge Humidors, do not worry, you can buy them right now at www.InstaAgeHumidor.com.
When cigars are stored for a year or more you can usually see a yellow tint at the edge. You can typically see this as well within weeks of using an InstaAge Humidor. InstaAge Humidor has a vast collection of next level humidors. If you have any questions please write to us; info@instaagehumidor.com.
The most ideal temperature for storage is around 70 degree Fahrenheit with 66% humidity.