Different cigars respond differently to the aging process. We can’t forget Dr. David Diaz and his contribution to the research of cigars. Numerous people will probably tell you to age for 6 weeks or more, others will say 3-4 weeks is enough when it comes to cigar aging in an InstaAge Humidor.
Some common questions; how will you identify if your cigar is aged enough? TASTE IT!
Can you imagine anyone waiting for 10 years to get cigar ready? It would be possible that some people might not be alive by that time when cigar will get ready after 10 years. Only the person who smokes cigar knows his or her own taste. A lump sum prediction can be estimated with help of expert and person who smokes.
We have pointed out some important points regarding cigar aging humidor, if you have any questions then go to our contact us page and write to us, we will reply ASAP.